Adobe Graphics & Publishing SDK 1996 December
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* CITEXT.H -- PageMaker Text Interface.
* Copyright 1996 (c) Adobe Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
#ifndef __CITEXT_H
#define __CITEXT_H
#include "pmtypes.h"
#include "CIObjectAccess.h"
// Information about the contents of
// a PageMaker text hole object.
typedef struct _PMTextBlockInfo {
unsigned short bNeedsComposing;
unsigned long startCharNum; // relative to whole story
unsigned long startLineNum; // relative to whole story
unsigned short numChars; // num chars in text block
unsigned short numLines; // num lines in text block
unsigned long storyID;
unsigned long indexInStory; // order of text block in series
// of story's text blocks. First
// text block is index 1.
unsigned long prevBlockID; // ID of text block before this one
unsigned long nextBlockID; // ID of text block following this one
// To get the given text block's ID, use
// CIObjectAccess::GetObjID().
} PMTextBlockInfo;
// Information about a line (including linebreak)
typedef enum _PMLineBreakType {
PMLB_AutoWrapIntrusion, // autowrap intrusion
PMLB_Overset, // text is overset
PMLB_Hard, // hard line end (end of para.)
PMLB_Tab, // break caused by tab
PMLB_Force // forced line end (no para. end)
} PMLineBreakType;
typedef struct _PMLineInfo {
unsigned long nCharCount;
PMLineBreakType cLineBreakType;
unsigned long nLineHeight;
unsigned long nComposeWidth;
unsigned long nLineNumber;
unsigned long endwithdischy : 1; // lbrk ends with dischyish char
unsigned long kernpairsexist : 1; // pairkerning applied to lbrk
unsigned long letterspacing : 1; // set if lbrk was letterspaced
unsigned long funnyhyphenation: 1;// for German, Swiss...
unsigned long endwithladder : 1; // T = ends with ladder-rung char
unsigned long needscomposing : 1;// Set if line needs composing.
unsigned long badwidth : 1; // text is loose or tight
unsigned long badkeep : 1; // pagination broke a keep rule
unsigned long graphic : 1; // T = lbrk has in-line graphic
} PMLineInfo;
// Information about a story
typedef struct _PMStoryInfo {
unsigned long nNumChars;
unsigned long nNumLines;
unsigned long nNumTxtBlock;
unsigned long firstBlockID; // ID of first text block before this one
} PMStoryInfo;
// Character Format Information
typedef struct _PMCharFormatInfo {
unsigned long nNumChars; // number of chars in the text run
unsigned long nOffset; // char offset relative to the current
// text run (based on the targetCharOffset
// (which is relative to the entire story).
char faceName[PMFACENAMESIZE]; // face name
unsigned short size; // font size in tenth points
// (float fsize=size/10);
short leading; // font leading in tenth points
// (float fleading=leading/10)
// -1 means auto leading
char colorName[PMCOLORNAMESIZE];// font color name
// style bits (bold, italic, etc.)
unsigned long plain : 1; // none of the others
unsigned long bold : 1; // bold
unsigned long italic : 1; // italic
unsigned long underline : 1; // underlined
unsigned long outline : 1; // outline chars
unsigned long shadow : 1; // drop shadow
unsigned long condense : 1; // narrow chars
unsigned long extend : 1; // wide chars
unsigned long hidden : 1; // hidden text
unsigned long strickout : 1; // struck-through
unsigned long superscript : 1; // superscripted
unsigned long subscript : 1; // subscripted
unsigned long allcaps : 1; // all caps
unsigned long smallcaps : 1; // small caps
unsigned long reverse : 1; // reverse
short setwidth; // set pointsize (tenth points),
// or -1 for square
// tracking
unsigned short notrack : 1;
unsigned short verytight : 1;
unsigned short tight : 1;
unsigned short normal : 1;
unsigned short loose : 1;
unsigned short veryloose : 1;
// general character info
unsigned short isinline : 1; // is inline graphics
unsigned short nobreak : 1; // 1 if no breaks allowed in this run
short kernamt; // manual kern adjustment, in 1/1000th of em
unsigned short smcapsize; // smallcap size, tenths of % of orig. font height
unsigned short supersubsize; // sub/superscript size, tenths of % of font height
unsigned short subscriptpos; // subscript pos, tenths of % of font height
unsigned short superscriptpos; // superscript pos, tenths of % of font height
short baselineshift; // baseline shift in signed twips
unsigned short objTintAmt; // object-level tint value for the CFmt, 0=0%, 100=100%
} PMCharFormatInfo;
// Paragraph Format Information
typedef enum _PMParaAlign {
PMPara_Left = 0, // left justified (ragged right)
PMPara_Right = 1, // right justified (ragged left)
PMPara_Center = 2, // centered (ragged left and right)
PMPara_Justify = 3, // justified (no ragged)
PMPara_ForceJustify = 4 // force justified (justify all lines)
} PMParaAlign;
typedef enum _PMHyphLevel {
} PMHyphLevel;
typedef enum _PMLeadMethod {
} PMLeadMethod;
typedef enum _PMLineStyle {
PMLine_Squares = 6,
PMLine_Dots = 7,
PMLine_None = 8
} PMLineStyle;
/* Structures within the PMParaFormatInfo,
* Note that 'gridit' (in flags) really applies to the line rather
* than any individual rule. The value of gridit should be the same
* for both above and below.
typedef struct _PMParaRule {
unsigned short ruleExists : 1; // this rule exists/valid
unsigned short useTextWidth : 1;// TRUE - text width, F = column width
unsigned short gridIt : 1; // TRUE - adjust line break depth for grid
unsigned short transparent : 1; // TRUE if transparent, opaque otherwise.
PMLineStyle lineStyle; // line style
unsigned short lineWeight; // line weight in points (scaled by 10)
char colorName[PMCOLORNAMESIZE];// color name
unsigned short objTintAmt; // Object-level tint
short leftOffset; // offset from margin to left edge of rule
short rightOffset; // offset from margin to right edge of rule
short height; // distance from text baseline to top/bot
} PMParaRule;
typedef struct _PMParaFormatInfo {
unsigned long nNumChars; // number of chars in the text run
unsigned long nOffset; // char offset relative to the current
// text run (based on the targetCharOffset
// (which is relative to the entire story).
char styleName[PMSTYLENAMESIZE]; // style name
PMParaAlign align;
PMHyphLevel hyphenLevel;// hyphenation level
PMLeadMethod leadMethod; // leading method
char languageName[64];
unsigned short includeTOC : 1; // 1 to include table of content, 0 otherwise
unsigned short pairkern : 1; // 1 is on, 0 is off
short indleft; // left indent in twips
short indfirst; // first line of paragraph indent in twips
short indright; // right indent in twips
short spbefore; // extra space before paragraph in twips
short spafter; // extra space after paragraph in twips
unsigned short kernsize; // size above which we must kern (scale by 10)
// real kern size is: float realsize = kernsize/10
short leadpct; // Autolead percentage.
short minband; // minimum spaceband width
short maxband; // maximum spaceband width
short desband; // desired spaceband width
short minltrsp; // minimum letterspacing
short maxltrsp; // maximum letterspacing
short desltrsp; // desired letterspacing
short hotzone; // hot zone width for ragged hyphenation in twips
unsigned short maxhyphens; // max consecutive hyphens allowed
// for keeps/breaks...
unsigned short keepTogether:1;
unsigned short keepColumnBreak:1;
unsigned short keepPageBreak:1;
unsigned short keepFollow:2;
unsigned short keepWidow:2;
unsigned short keepOrphan:2;
unsigned short usegrid; // leading for para's grid (twips), or NO_GRID
PMParaRule ruleAbove; // rule above info
PMParaRule ruleBelow; // rule below info
} PMParaFormatInfo;
// Tab Format Information
#define MAXTABS 40 // maximum number of tabs
typedef enum _PMTabAlign {
} PMTabAlign;
typedef struct _PMTabStop {
short pos; // in Twips
PMTabAlign align; // tab alignment
char leaderPair[2]; // tab leader pair
} PMTabStop;
typedef struct _PMTabFormatInfo {
unsigned long nNumChars; // number of chars in the text run
unsigned long nOffset; // char offset relative to the current
// text run (based on the targetCharOffset
// (which is relative to the entire story).
unsigned long nNumTabs; // number of tabs in tabStop
PMTabStop tabStop[MAXTABS];
} PMTabFormatInfo;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class CIText : public CIInterface
virtual ~CIText() {};
// Return text hole information for the given object
virtual PMErr GetTextBlockInfo(PMOBJ_REC* pObjRec, PMTextBlockInfo* pTextBlockInfo) = 0;
// Return line information for the given story and line number
virtual PMErr GetTextLineBreakInfo(unsigned long storyID, unsigned long lineNumber, PMLineInfo* pLineBreakInfo) = 0;
// Return information for the given story
virtual PMErr GetTextStoryInfo(unsigned long storyID, PMStoryInfo* pStoryInfo) = 0;
// Return the first inline graphic found in the given
// story's list of ILGs
// This returns all inline graphics--both "valid" and "invalid" ones.
// "Invalid" inlines are those that have not been drawn since they were
// moved or possibly moved or will have been moved by composition.
virtual PMErr GetStoryFirstILG(unsigned long storyID, PMOBJ_REC* pILGObjRec) = 0;
// Return the next inline graphic found in the given
// story's list of ILGs
virtual PMErr GetStoryNextILG(PMOBJ_REC* pILGObjRec) = 0;
// ReadStoryTextRaw
// Given a story ID and a text range (offset & numChars),
// return a pointer buffer of raw text in ppTextBuf and
// the size of the buffer in buffer size.
// The offset parameter specifies the character offset
// into the given story. Use an offset of 0 to start
// at the beginning of the story.
// The nFormat parameter is used as follows:
// 0 to keep all non-printing characters
// 1 to delete all non-printing characters
// 2 to replace all non-printing characters with spaces
// 3 to substitute all non-printing ASCII characters as
// text export filter does
// ReadStoryTextRaw() will allocate the memory for the text.
// When done with the buffer, the plug-in must call FreeTextMemory()!!!
// Any calls to any of the ReadStoryTextXXX() methods will
// automatically free any previously allocated memory!
virtual PMErr ReadStoryTextRaw(unsigned long storyID, unsigned short nFormat,
unsigned long offset, unsigned long numChars,
char** ppTextBuf, unsigned long* bufSize) = 0;
// ReadStoryTextTagged
// Given a story ID and a text range (offset & numChars),
// return a pointer buffer of tagged text in ppTextBuf and
// the size of the buffer in buffer size.
// The offset parameter specifies the character offset
// into the given story. Use an offset of 0 to start
// at the beginning of the story.
// The nFormat parameter is used as follows:
// 0 to keep all non-printing characters
// 1 to delete all non-printing characters
// 2 to replace all non-printing characters with spaces
// 3 to substitute all non-printing ASCII characters as
// text export filter does
// ReadStoryTextTagged() will allocate the memory for the text.
// When done with the buffer, the plug-in must call FreeTextMemory()!!!
// Any calls to any of the ReadStoryTextXXX() methods will
// automatically free any previously allocated memory!
virtual PMErr ReadStoryTextTagged(unsigned long storyID, unsigned short nFormat,
unsigned long offset, unsigned long numChars,
char** ppTextBuf, unsigned long* bufSize) = 0;
// ReadStoryTextRTF
// Given a story ID and a text range (offset & numChars),
// return a pointer buffer of RTF text in ppTextBuf and
// the size of the buffer in buffer size.
// The offset parameter specifies the character offset
// into the given story. Use an offset of 0 to start
// at the beginning of the story.
// The nFormat parameter is ignored by ReadStoryTextRTF.
// ReadStoryTextRTF() will allocate the memory for the text.
// When done with the buffer, the plug-in must call FreeTextMemory()!!!
// Any calls to any of the ReadStoryTextXXX() methods will
// automatically free any previously allocated memory!
virtual PMErr ReadStoryTextRTF(unsigned long storyID, unsigned short nFormat,
unsigned long offset, unsigned long numChars,
char** ppTextBuf, unsigned long* bufSize) = 0;
// FreeTextMemory
// Frees any text buffer allocated by one of the
// ReadStoryTextXXX() methods.
virtual void FreeTextMemory() = 0;
virtual PMErr GetTextSelection(unsigned long *pBlockID, unsigned long *pStoryID,
unsigned long *pOffset, unsigned long *pNumChars ) = 0;
// RecomposeAllStories is called when every story in the pub needs to be recomposed.
// Some text attributes are pub level, hence changing them requires recomposing
// everything
virtual void RecomposeAllStories()=0;
// Setup the inlines in the current story. Only operates on current page.
virtual void SetupStoryInlines()=0;
// RecomposeStory compose all stories on current page or to end of pub
// bEndofPub is FALSE, this function will compose all stories on
// the current page that need recomposing, starting from the 1st
// hole in the story through the last hole of the story on the page.
// bEndofPub is TRUE, this will compose each story to the end of the pub
virtual void RecomposeStory(BOOL bEndofPub)=0;
virtual PMErr GetCharFormatInfo(unsigned long storyID, long targetCharOffset,
PMCharFormatInfo *pCharFormatInfo)=0;
virtual PMErr GetParaFormatInfo(unsigned long storyID, long targetCharOffset,
PMParaFormatInfo *pParaFormatInfo)=0;
virtual PMErr GetTabFormatInfo(unsigned long storyID, long targetCharOffset,
PMTabFormatInfo *pTabFormatInfo)=0;
virtual PMErr GetLineBreakInfo(unsigned long storyID, long targetCharOffset,
PMLineInfo *pLineInfo)=0;
virtual PMErr GetStyleNameInfo(char *pStyleName, PMTabFormatInfo *pTabFormatInfo,
PMParaFormatInfo *pParaFormatInfo,
PMCharFormatInfo *pCharFormatInfo)=0;
} ;
#endif // __cplusplus